Short: XSLT processor, transform an XML file with an XSLT file
Uploader: James S.Perrin <>
Type: text/misc
Version: 1.0
What Is It?
Since XML is easily machine parse-able a document written in one form can be easily transformed into another eg a docbook file can be turned into XHTML using an
appropiate XSLT file.
xsltproc is part of the libxslt distibrution which in turn depends on libxml2, these are
both GPL'd libraries that are written as part of Gnome. You will need to get the source
for these libraries if you wish to recompile from
Maybe one day I'll get enough time to convert these to AmigaOS libraries but for now
they are statically compiled.
Stick xsltproc in C: or GG:bin if you've got Geekgadgets
Put the docs where you like
See man page or html file for details but basically:
xsltproc -o <outfile> <xsltfile> <xmlfile>
without an outfile output is written to stdout.
Well it needs ixemul.library
v1.0 first release complied from libxslt-1.0.7 and libxml2-2.4.10